Sunday, March 22, 2009

A little progress

Rising at 8-30am
The Devil Bug has struck me. I have sore throat, runny nose and a pounding headache.
Not a very happy gardener today.
We have a little progress to report though.......................................

The first couple of potato plants have pushed through in Plot 5. The one in the picture is a store bought Red which had sprouted and was consigned to the compost heap. I stuck it in here at the end of last season and it looks to have survived the winter. Nothing showing in Plot 3 yet.
In Plot 1 the winter onions look really well................

I pulled a few small ones last week to have with dinner and they were delicious.
The garlic is in the same plot and............

that too looks to be doing fine. I expect this will be ready around mid summer.
In Plot 2 I have a new arrival in the shape of a Determinate variety of tomato plant, purchased from Lowes.

I've always grown Indeterminate varieties so this is a first for me. I may also try a Cherry Tomato plant from there too if they get some in.
The Kohlrabi in Plot 4 has survived it's first week outdoors................

I now have to find a home for the others which are waiting patiently in my growing room.
There's a few of the red onion sets sprouting around the edges too.
Tree planning and planting has been discussed and the Crape Myrtle is ready to be transplanted to it's new location.

But not today. I feel too sickly to do any hard digging so it will be next weekend, I hope.
The daffodils are about done now but the Tulips...................

..................are coming up right behind them.
Back indoors:
I got an email from Heirloom Seeds informing me that my seed order would be dispatched this coming week. This caused me a certain sense of relief as I was beginning to wonder if I had, in fact, ever sent the order in?
In the meantime I've sown a few Tomato seeds from my own seed stock and they have begun to sprout...............

A quick count reveals 9 seedling sprouting where there was none the day before.
The larger Catnip plants seem to be enjoying their new home..............

.......on my office windowsill. I also re potted a few more of the smaller ones and have put them on there too.
OK, I'll leave you with my lovely sunset.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Sounds like the bug I had a few weeks ago, particularly the headache. It felt like I was hit in the head with a bat.

Your garlic and onions have really plumped up, I suspect mine with do the same in a few weeks. If I was only a zone or two higher.

The early tomato I am grow is a determinate, I don't think I have grown one of them before either.